Exact values on points/lines: This could be accessible trough right-clicking, or clicking while holding a modifier key: alt, shift, and ctrl are all free on Windows when clicking on points.Ģ. Here are my suggestions, which would be great to see some time:ġ. Yes! These are all things that frustrate me too. It would be nice to be able to automate the transpose knob on an audio finitely not necessary but just thought I would add it! You have to create a break point at the start of every proceeding clip and this is very time consuming. When I do a pitch automation, the proceeding clip doesn't reset to the VST default and even though there is no pitch automation, it will be stuck on the previous clip's pitch. Curves would be stellar and just more natural sounding. Maybe I am not aware if this is a feature but I seem to only be able to automate in straight lines. In order to freely experiment with pitch shifts, I have to set a before and after breakpoint on the area that I want to shift because otherwise, the only way to get back to zero is to reset the entire envelop I end up losing all other automations on that clip. Also related, it is really hard to get back to zero after automating a clip's pitch envelope. I find I am often making breakpoints by accident when trying to select the line or sometimes I select the line and move it accidentally when trying to make a break point.

Differentiating between break points and the automation line (not sure what it is technically called) is also very fiddly. It is just weird for automations to default to being completely highlighted and adds one more step to something that should be simple to do. Other times, trying to de-select the highlighting, I create a break point that I didn't intend. Sometimes forgetting, I move the entire automation line and have to undo it. A lot of times when I go into an automation, the entire clip automation is highlighted so to start off doing automations, I have to click off to the side to de-highlight everything. I wish I had a suggestion as to how that would work but I don't! It would be nice to be able to type a value for a break point. It is impossible or very very hard to get exact values on a break point or automation line. I am curious if anyone else finds them awkward as well? I have used FL studio and the automation process is much much smoother so I think it would be a great update for Ableton Live to be on part with FL studio. I would really like to see the entire automation reworked and made more user friendly because I have to fiddle around with them a lot to get what I want out. I usually end up pretty frustrated when doing a lot of automation on either plugin settings or clip envelope settings.

I am wondering if anyone else finds automations very awkward to work with in Ableton Live 9.